Olympus OM-D EM-5 & OM flash system experimentation continued
This weekend I continued my Olympus OM-D EM-5 DSLR & OM flash system experimentation. This is the link to the previous post.
The main difference this time around was the use of the Olympus OM wide angle filters on the Zuiko Olympus T28 twin flashes (instead of the ND8 filters) and the attachment over the front of the flash heads of plastic cups with vellum paper taped to the inside.
I again used automatic flash power mode & played with different shutter speed settings in the shutter priority mode to alter the amount of flash power put down. The subject this time was a Robber Fly (Machimus cingulatus).
Lens: Zuiko Olympus 80mm F4 macro at F11
Shutter speed setting: 1/250
Shutter speed setting: 1/320
Shutter speed setting: 1/80

I did use another OM macro lens, the Zuiko Olympus 38mm Macro F2.8 lens at F16. However, I only managed to obtain 1 decent result, the main cause for the initial lack of success was the positioning of the flash heads. The flash was mainly hitting behind the Robber Fly. Unfortunately before I could remedy this it decided it was no longer going to be a patient subject, and promptly flew off.
Shutter speed setting: 1/200

Update: 20th April 2014
I have discovered that the flash output is diluted when the shutter speed is set >1/400, shown by the black top half of this next shot.
Lens: Zuiko Olympus 80mm F4 macro at F11
Shutter speed setting: 1/500
Subject: Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) on Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Badbury Rings.