Macro collection
Here is a collection of macro photo’s from yesterday’s visit to Blashford Lakes nature reserve, all taken with the Olympus EM5 using flash diffusion and the Olympus 90mm F2 macro lens fitted onto the auto extension tube 65-116.
This is a Figwort Weevil (Cionus hortulanus), which I managed to achieve a 2 image stack of.

A couple of beetles, the first is a member of the False Blister Beetles (Family Oedemeridae)

and this is a mating pair of Common Red Soldier Beetles (Rhagonycha fulva).

Next is a Terellia tussilaginis fly (FamilyTephritidae), one of the Picture-Winged Flies.

Then this odd looking critter, which kept on flicking out its tail. Unsure if the thing on the end is just some dirt.

and finally up close to a bee I found dozing on a leaf, approx 3x mag.

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